Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hey Being in college for ten years can be hard so here are some tips i live by.


14. Minimize food budget by scheduling classes around Happy Hour. 

13. Enjoy being a Sophomore -- It will be the best three years of your life. 

12. Wear an athletic cup to panty raids, because it's all fun and games until someone loses their 'nads. 

11. Lemon juice and baking soda make an excellent bong water stain remover. 

10. Earn extra cash by parlaying chemistry knowledge into lucrative "home pharmaceuticals" business. 

9. If an 8:00 am class is required for your major, change your major. 

8. Boring lecture? Start a wave! 

7. College-level algebra: 5 returnable bottles = 1 delicious Ramen Noodle dinner. 

6. "I Phelta Thi" is *not* a real fraternity, except at state colleges. 

5. Remember - almost no one complains when you puke in a dumpster. 

4. Clever margin manipulation can turn a 4-page outline into a 100-page senior essay. 

3. Football games were never meant to be observed by sober people. 

2. Don't think of it as sleeping with your professor -- think of it as "acing Biology." 

and the Number 1 Tip for Surviving College... 

1. In a pinch, beer can be used as a milk substitute in your breakfast cereal.

In honor of all you knocked up ladies.

Surviving a party when your pregnant. 

hey just cause you already had too much fun ;) doesn't mean you still  can't have some more.

1. Avoid getting over heated.  Stick to low impact cardio dance moves like the cabbage patch.

2. Don't drink alcohol. No, seriously don't. How do you think you get in your state in the first place. 

3.  Hold court rather than stand for hours. Find a comfy chair and people will come to you, you can entertain from this position.

4. Dress appropriately. You just can't wear those stretchy mini-dresses like you use to. sorry.

OK have fun!!! 

Whoa, sometimes climbing mountains can be tricky.

I just wish I knew this before hand.

7 RULES TO SURVIVING MT. EVERST or a party. Whatever, same thing. 

1. Always have the last word on your safety. That's right b*^%*@ you say how that s^!%  goes down. 

2. Respect the Weather. That's right cause mother nature can be one mean MOTHERF%&^

3. Use the ropes. Yea, baby love 'em and leave 'em.

4. Drink Plenty. And let girl know where you'll be drinking- ParTay!

5. Know yourself ;)

6. Know your gear. And keep that S^!% looking tight.

7. Avalanche. yea, i think this one is just for mountains.